Friday, September 26, 2014

The 4 Things You Have to Know About to Get What You Want

The Secret to Getting What You Really Want: 
Why the Law of Attraction can work FOR you or "against" you

Please read version 2.0 above.
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  1. umm, the same as I said, like your thoughts and agree and looking for part 2 love you

  2. I really like your post here, it is so true! Now the hard part: learning to control one's thoughts :)

  3. You are right, learning to control our thoughts is a nightmare. That is why I suggest that instead, we train ourselves to watch our thoughts like our favorite reality TV show. Thoughts require attention or they fade away, so if we catch ourselves thinking the kinds of thoughts (most of them) that add no value to our lives, we can simply --- stop. By withdrawing our attention, the thought has no choice but to pop and fade away. The more often we do this, the more attention a particular type of thought requires to come up at all. I'll talk about all this more in my next post.


Thank you!