The Secret to Getting What You Really Want:
Why the Law of Attraction can work FOR you or "against" you
Part One
Why the Law of Attraction can work FOR you or "against" you
Part One
Since the Law of Attraction is a law, why is it that it doesn't seem to work? Why is there so much confusion around the subject of manifesting our desires? It is supposed to be simple and that simplicity resonates with so many of us, so what's going on? Since we can't escape the consequences of our own thoughts, feelings and
behavior i.e., the Law of Attraction, let's start working FOR ourselves instead
of "against" ourselves.
Here are the four core principles that together describe how the law of attraction operates in our lives.
Here are the four core principles that together describe how the law of attraction operates in our lives.
The law of Attraction states:
Whatever you want, you get.
· Whatever you believe, proves itself true.
· Whatever you think about, surrounds you.
· Whatever you feel, invites more of that feeling into your experience.
· Whatever you believe, proves itself true.
· Whatever you think about, surrounds you.
· Whatever you feel, invites more of that feeling into your experience.
These four core components of the law of attraction all operate simultaneously, and therein lies the rub. So let's take a very brief look at each of them in turn.
We get what we truly want, but our desires
are confused and conflicted and so our lives become messy. We say we want
something, but we don’t believe we deserve it; or we desire things that are opposite each other, or a million other conflicting signals. So, guess what happens?
Two: Whatever you believe, proves itself true.
Many of our beliefs
were created by hurt and suffering, or by confusion and contraction, or by
feelings of rejection and abandonment. So much wounding and pain, it distorted
our perception of ourselves and others. Many of these distorted beliefs were formed
in our childhood when we simply could not understand the complexities of the
world around us. These are the ideas we adopted that tell us we are not good,
or worthy, or deserving; not pretty enough, or thin enough, or rich enough. These are the ideas we cling to that demand we should look a certain way or act a certain way; think certain things, but not think other certain things.Then, not wanting to be wrong, we select information, create events, and think
thoughts that proves all these conclusions correct.
Three: Whatever you think about, surrounds you.
Our thoughts are a
mess, jumbled and scattered. Our thoughts are often negative and mean to both
ourselves and others, and so our lives become uncertain and chaotic, our
feelings get hurt and bad things happen. Our mind is all over the map.
Four: Whatever you feel, invites more of that
feeling into your experience.
Our feelings arise out
of this mess, but like attracts like. So if we put energy into fear or anger,
then that energy attracts more things to be fearful of, or angry about,
straight back into our lives.
It all comes down to the energy that we continually
broadcast, stars radiating into space. This energy is circular, a boomerang
that we throw away from us as mightily as we can. Yet, we are consistently
surprised with it loops back around and smacks us right in the face.
So what is the real secret?
It All Starts With a Thought
At the beginning of every desire is a thought.
At the beginning of every belief is a thought.
At the beginning of every feeling is a belief or a thought.
We’ve all heard it: change your thinking and change your life.
Which is true --- absolutely correct --- spot on.
We create our experience of life by the quality of the thoughts we pay attention to.
Attention is our most precious resource: more
precious than love, more precious than time; more precious than a lover or a spouse, children or family, riches or fame. Attention is even more precious
than chocolate or tacos. Our entire experience occurs in the field of our
perception, and our perception follows where we place our attention.
It All Starts With a Thought
At the beginning of every desire is a thought.
At the beginning of every belief is a thought.
At the beginning of every feeling is a belief or a thought.
We’ve all heard it: change your thinking and change your life.
Which is true --- absolutely correct --- spot on.
We create our experience of life by the quality of the thoughts we pay attention to.
It All Starts With a
So, since it all starts with a
thought, isn’t it a good idea to understand how thoughts work? That will be
part two of this essay. And since it all starts with a thought, I welcome your
thoughts below. What do YOU think?
Question: I summarized the law of attraction by condensing it into four core concepts. If you would like me to elaborate on the four core concepts that make up the law of attraction, please let me know in the comments section below. Thank you for spending these few moments with me.
With love and aloha,
Question: I summarized the law of attraction by condensing it into four core concepts. If you would like me to elaborate on the four core concepts that make up the law of attraction, please let me know in the comments section below. Thank you for spending these few moments with me.
With love and aloha,
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